AMERICA/MEXICO - Democracy is not only exercised at the time of voting, but it is an attitude and a permanent way of life

Wednesday, 19 May 2021 elections   bishops   social situation   politics  

Tlalnepantla (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops who exercise their pastoral service in the states of Mexico and Morelos, and who are part of the ecclesiastical provinces of Tlalnepantla and Toluca, have expressed in a message their "communion and closeness" to all people of good will, in view of the next elections for deputies and municipal presidents of the territory, which will be held on June 6. "We are experiencing serious difficulties in the field of health, education, public safety and the economy, and the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated them - they write in the text sent to Fides -. The presence of organized crime in our cities and the exclusion of the indigenous world are worrying". In this reality, the need for public servants who "do not polarize or divide society, and who propose and carry out projects that translate into well-being for our society is evident, in accordance with truth, respect, honesty and justice". For this reason, the bishops ask all the actors and protagonists of this important democratic event "to contribute so that this electoral process takes place in peace and fraternity, in strict respect of the law". "It is necessary that our vote be free, reasoned and responsible, without losing sight of the fact that we must cast it in accordance with our principles and values," the bishops insist. "Let us love and defend life, justice, order, marriage, freedom of belief, the right of parents to educate their children", they continue, recommending that those who are to be elected respect these non-negotiable principles and values in a consistent manner, "necessary for our peaceful coexistence, because democracy is not only exercised at the time of casting the vote, but it is an attitude and a permanent lifestyle". Finally, they ask all citizens to exercise their right and obligation to vote for the candidates, knowing their ability to perform a service for the good of all, and the political platforms of the parties that have nominated them. The bishops also urge to live the electoral day "with great hope, in the awareness of contributing to the construction of the happy Mexico that we all yearn for, where there is truth, justice, reconciliation, unity and peace. By casting our vote, we will have the opportunity to take an important step in the construction of a true democracy, based on ethical principles and values". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 19/5/2021)
