AMERICA/BRAZIL - Appeal of the Pact for Life and for Brazil in the face of the worsening pandemic situation in the country

Friday, 12 March 2021 coronavirus   episcopal conferences  


Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - "There is no time to waste, negtionism kills. The virus is circulating from north to south of Brazil, replicating strains, affecting different age groups, punishing the most vulnerable. Patients die in agony due to lack of hospital resources. The Unified Health System (SUS) continues to save lives. However, health operators, after a year on the front line, are on the verge of exhaustion". This is the cry of alarm launched by the signatories of the "Pact for Life and for Brazil" in the face of the worsening of the Coronavirus pandemic and its tragic consequences on the lives of the Brazilian people.
The Pact for Life and Brazil was launched on World Health Day, on April 7, 2020, by the Bishops' Conference of Brazil (CNBB), together with the Brazilian Order of Lawyers (OAB), the ARNS Commission, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the Brazilian Press Association and the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science.
The document sent to Fides, entitled "People cannot pay with their lives!" denounces: “It is time to stop the escalation of death! The Brazilian people need a vaccine now. The virus will not be eradicated with obscurantism, angry speeches or offensive phrases. Enough of madness and irresponsibility". In addition to a vaccine "now and for all", the document calls on the Ministry of Health to fulfill its role, "by guaranteeing rapid access to science-validated drugs and tests, permanent traceability of the virus and a minimum of serenity for the people".
"The ineffectiveness of the federal government, first responsible for the tragedy we are experiencing, is known" underline the signatories, who support Governors and mayors in their efforts to ensure compliance with health protection measures, in parallel with the rapid immunization of the population. They therefore appeal to the National Congress, to give "the highest priority to issues related to Covid-19, as preserving life is the most urgent thing", and to the judiciary, under the guidance of the Supreme Court, to promote the rights of citizenship and harmony between federal agencies. "The press must act freely and decisively, in an ethical manner, fulfilling its mission to convey reliable and scientific information about what is happening. Finally, the voice of the institutions must be very firm in the defense of the Brazilian people!". The latest appeal is addressed to young people: "The virus is infecting and killing the youngest and healthiest, using them as vectors of transmission. Brazilian youth must take their historic place in the defense of life and the country". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 12/3/2021)
