Rome (Fides Service)- The Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus also known as the Comboni Missionaries have issued information on the number of students and new members.
Aspirants and pre-postulants: 196, including 116 seminarians (minor seminary) and 80 pre-postulants (propaedeutic). The Institute has 4 minor seminaries (1 in Mexico, 1 in Portugal, 1 in Eritrea e 1 in Mozambique) and the pre-postulate stage is present in different modalities in several provinces and delegations of America and Africa.
Postulants: 205, including 185 candidates to the priesthood and 20 candidates to the religious life as Brothers. There are 27 postulant houses (15 in Africa, 8 in America, 3 in Europe and 1 in Asia), one of which is for Brother candidates only.
Novices: 86, including 79 candidates to the priesthood and 7 Brother candidates. Newly professed this year should be 41 (39 scholastics and 2 Brothers). There are 8 Novitiates: 4 in Africa (Namugongo and Lusaka for English-speaking Africa, Kinshasa and Cotonou for French-speaking Africa), 2 in America (Sahuayo, Huánuco), 1 in Europe (Venegono). The Novitiate in the Philippines (Manila) has no novices at present.
Scholastics and Brothers with temporary vows: 183, including (149 scholastics 34 Brothers).
They are spread out by continent as follows: Africa 80 scholastics and 13 Brothers; America 49 scholastics and 8 Brothers; Europe 16 scholastics and 12 Brothers and Asia 4 scholastics and 1 Brother.
For the year of formation 2006-2007 there should be 194 scholastics and Brothers of temporary vows: 162 scholastics (156 in scholasticates 6 in pastoral experience), 32 Brothers.
Ordinations and perpetual professions of religious: 26 ordinations should take place in 2006 (17 men from Africa, 7 men from America, 2 men from Europe) and the perpetual profession of 4 Brothers (2 from Africa, 2 from Europe).
Communities are encouraged to have a confrere in charge of vocations so that vocation pastoral may become a habitual part of Comboni activity. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 13/3/2006 righe 30 parole 311)