AFRICA - "How can one be a missionary in times of Covid-19, when you cannot meet people?"

Friday, 24 April 2020 coronavirus   evangelization   mission   missionary animation   missionaries  


Kara (Agenzia Fides) - Missionary activity is suffering heavily due to the Covid-19 crisis, many are trying to adapt through technology by offering masses, adorations, exhortations, etc. "Guaranteeing the evangelizing mission using technological tools in villages in Africa where there is not even electricity, talking about the Internet is almost impossible", says Father Donald Zagore, priest of the Society for African Missions, to Agenzia Fides. "Missionary activity is paralyzed. In some areas of the African continent, such as large cities, the technological tool remains a fundamental imperative for evangelization in this Covid-19 crisis. However, the most remote and poorest areas do not enjoy the same prestige".
"How can we still be missionaries when we can no longer go to meet people or even establish social contacts with populations as in the past in order to announce the Good News?" asks Fr. Zagore. "We do not yet have a clear answer", he notes. "The challenge of finding new ways of evangelization in this context is today the subject of profound reflection among the missionaries, especially in rural areas". The Togolese priest concludes that "if missionary activity has successfully reinvented itself through the option of new technologies in urban areas, it must also be able to reinvent itself in rural areas without technological means". (DZ/AP) (Agenzia Fides, 24/4/2020)
