AMERICA/BRAZIL - From Easter the joint action of emergency begins, promoted by Bishops and Caritas

Saturday, 11 April 2020


Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - From Easter Sunday, April 12, the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) and Caritas Brazil launch the initiative called "Emergency solidarity action" at a national level, with the motto "It is time to take care of oneself" to stimulate solidarity, with the collection of food, hygiene and cleaning products. In line with the 2020 Fraternity Campaign, the initiative maintains the biblical inspiration of the Gospel of St. Luke (10, 33-34): "He saw, felt compassion and took care of him". In addition to encouraging material help to people, the Action also wants to promote assistance in the religious, human and emotional fields. Therefore the CNBB joins several campaigns and solidarity projects that are already underway across the country.
In the note sent to Fides, the President of the CNBB, Walmor Oliveira de Azevedo, Archbishop of Belo Horizonte, underlines that the moment the country is living, solidarity is the seal of authenticity of the life of true Christians, the indispensable commitment of citizens, the first task of rulers, the occasion for the conversion of the rich, the only new way to peace and balance that the planet urgently needs.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a large part of the Brazilian population, such as the homeless, migrants and refugees, those who live in precarious housing, as well as the unemployed and informal workers, who currently see their sources of income seriously affected, face a reality of extreme vulnerability. The Action of the Church of Brazil therefore wants to multiply the gestures of solidarity in communities, in the sectors of industry and commerce and in families so that these people can be treated and in turn can take care of their families.
Caritas Brazil is working to guide archdioceses, dioceses, parishes and communities on security protocols, so that donations are received and delivered appropriately. The emergency solidarity action will also have a mobilization on social networks. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 11/4/2020)
