Rome (Agenzia Fides) - As a tradition, the month of September is celebrated as the "Month of the Bible" in various nations of Latin America and other continents, in memory of St. Jerome, the first translator of the Holy Scriptures in Latin, whose liturgical feast falls on September 30th.
The National Commission of Biblical Animation of the Chilean Bishops’ Conference (Cech), set up a website that contains various resources to animate and support this special period dedicated to the Word of God, choosing the theme "People of God summoned to live its baptism and mission", which recalls the theme of the Extraordinary Missionary Month October 2019. On the site you can find prayers taken from the Bible and inspired by the Word of God, the documents of the magisterium "Dei Verbum" and "Verbum Domini" with a series of comments and reflections, aids for a prayerful and communitarian reading of some biblical passages: "The biblical texts we propose offer paths to reflect how we live our baptism and our mission, enhancing personal and community discernment, to order to identify ways of conversion that encourage us to live as people of God faithful to Jesus Christ in the current contexts".
Inspired by the motto "Baptized and sent", the Church in Uruguay also celebrates the Month of the Bible. "A month is proposed as a pedagogy, to realize that every day we should communicate with God through his written Word. When we open the Bible, we open our lives!", said the President of the National Commission for Biblical Animation of Pastoral Care (CNABP), Mgr. Pablo Jourdan, Auxiliary Bishop of Montevideo, in the letter in which he invites to live this month.
The Church in Uruguay from August to November proposes to "cultivate the key dimensions of the evangelizing mission: catechesis in August; September month of the Bible, October month of missions, November pilgrimage to our Mother, the Virgin of the Thirty-three". "Bible-Liturgy-Catechesis-Mission are permanent realities of our Christian life that seek the transformation of environments, illuminate the daily realities of the family and society", underlined the Bishop.
Also in Guatemala the section of the Biblical Animation of the Bishops' Conference recalled the celebration of the month of the Bible and Bible Day, this year on Sunday 29 September, or another date indicated by the individual communities according to local pastoral needs. The theme chosen is the biblical verse of the prophet Isaiah (61.1) on the mission of Jesus: "The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 7/9/2019)