Caacupé (Agenzia Fides) - All that is needed to celebrate a Mass in the Guaraní language is now officially available on a new website edited by the Jesuits of Paraguay. The website was officially launched in recent days during a Mass at the National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady of Caacupé. The Eucharist was celebrated entirely in the Guaraní language by the project leader, Father Alberto Luna. The website, endorsed by the Bishops' Conference, is accompanied by accounts in the main social media and includes, in addition to the Sunday celebration sheet, the readings and liturgical prayers of the Mass of the day, the daily Gospel commented in audio, songs for the celebrations, the liturgy of the hours, a collection of formulas for blessings and the rosary in the most spoken language in the Country.
According to data from the Guarani Language and Culture University, 87% of Paraguayans speak this indigenous language belonging to the Tupi-Guarani family (37% communicate only in this language, while 50% are bilingual Guarani-Spanish), while 75% use Castilian (commonly known as Spanish). Guaraní is also an official language in the Argentine province of Corrientes and in Bolivia, and is also spoken in areas of Brazil. "In most cases, with the exception of the capital, Asuncion, mass is celebrated almost entirely in Spanish, with a homily in Guarani", explained Gustavo Gonzalez, a member of the initiative's team, to Fides. "The project wants to be of help for the Guarani speaking communities, so that they can celebrate entirely in their language. "The launch of the initiative coincided with the beginning of the Guaraní Language Week, which is particularly important in this International Year of Indigenous Languages organized by UNESCO. The Society of Jesus had previously launched "Misa Guarani Pyahu", in 2014: a collection of 15 songs for Mass in Guaraní. (SM) (Agenzia Fides, 31/8/2019)