NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Deep social and economic crisis in Haiti: how to get out of the serious situation?

Saturday, 20 July 2019 violence   poverty   area crisis   criminality   social situation   economy   society  


Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) - Haitian people are experiencing a serious social and economic crisis with repercussions on people's psychology and their ability to hope for the future. This was reported to Agenzia Fides by Fr. Clarck De La Cruz, National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Haiti, raising heavy questions and launching an appeal to help Haiti get out of the serious situation in which it finds itself.
Unemployment afflicts over 60% of the population, causing an atmosphere of widespread anxiety and concern about poverty. The purchasing power of families continues to decline considerably in the course of time. Runaway inflation makes Haitian people vulnerable. And not even those who are employed in public works or have a salary in the private sector manage to provide for the basic needs of their families. Another factor that explains the poverty situation of the Haitian people is the continuous devaluation of the local currency. "Every commodity on the market, including basic necessities, is very expensive and even food becomes a luxury", notes Fr. Clarck De La Cruz, noting that "the consequences of this lifestyle are catastrophic, because they cause the rise of begging, delinquency, social violence, disorder". A question then arises: "Who will be able to free Haiti from this infernal situation?", asks the Director of the PMS, remembering that "the country holds the record of poverty in America". (...)
