AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Permanent deacon killed

Monday, 10 June 2019 violence   local churches   missionary animation  


Lomas de Zamora (Agenzia Fides) - The Argentine diocese of Lomas de Zamora, under the guidance of its Bishop, Mgr. Jorge Rubén Lugones, S.J. prays for the eternal peace of permanent deacon Guillermo Luquín, pastoral reference in the Carmelite parishes of Lomas and Banfield Este, in particular in Nuestra Señora del Carmen, killed in his home.
Guillermo Luquin, born on August 5, 1966, was ordained a deacon on October 19, 2002 by the then diocesan Bishop, Mgr. Agustín Radrizzani. His work was much appreciated by the faithful of the community of El Carmen and El Buen Pastor (Banfield), where in April he guided the parish, pending the appointment of a new parish priest.
Fides received the tragic news and appreciation of the deacon's work through social media. The local press, which dedicates a lot of space to the news, awaits the police report has stressed that the deacon was found dead with a neck wound in his home in the Villa Galicia neighborhood. The police reported that he was apparently killed at dawn on Sunday 9 June.
According to information provided by the diocese, the work of permanent deacons, 75 in the diocese, is highly appreciated for the help they offer in a very diverse territory of the "great Buenos Aires". (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 10/06/2019)
