AMERICA/BRAZIL - Four priorities to elaborate the National Mission Programme

Tuesday, 9 April 2019 missionary animation  


Four priorities to elaborate the National Mission Programme

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – Missionary formation, mission ad gentes, missionary animation, prophetic social comittment : these four priorities identified by the 36th assembly of the National Mission Council (COMINA), 4 - 7 April in Brasilia, at the head offices of the Pontifical Mission Societies, will be taken into consideration for the National Mission Programme.
According to information issued by the Bishops' Conference and sent to Fides, COMINA continues to work on the text to present to the May assembly of the Brazilian Catholic Bishops Conference (CNBB). For each priority, three projects intend to help reawaken missionary activity in the Church in Brazil, not only in the cases regarding mission specifically.
The COMINA meeting was attended by 64 participants, including representatives of various mission councils, lay organizations, institutes of religious life from all 18 of the CNBB regions. "Once approved, the plan will offer guidelines which each region may achieve according to the local situations" said the Auxilary Bishop of São Luís also president della CNBB Commission for missionary work, Bishop Esmeraldo Barreto Farias. The aim is to help the Church in Brazil "become more missionary and, walking together, living this missionary spirit, help to build a Brazil more just, more peaceful and fraternal”.
The COMINA assembly was preceded by a meeting between the Commission and the bishops reponsible for missionary activity at the regional level. The bishops worked on the conclusions of the process of eleboration of the National Missionary Programme, fruit of assemblies held in the regions all through 2018. During the meeting the work of the Commission in the four year period was assessed with special attention for missionary experiences, missionary congresses and popular missions. "All this helped us to open to missionary awareness and this is what we desire: to render every baptized person, every Christian, to feel called by God to follow Jesus Christ and to live mission in the family, and in the different walks of life" said Mons. Esmeraldo Barreto Farrias.
The Bishops reflected on the project for mission ad gentes, on initiatives within CNBB and regions, on missionary life outside Brazil: "It is a time of surprises to see what is happening in East Timor, and the missionary presence in Mozambique, there are more than 115 Brazilians men and women, priests, lay men and women, priests, religious men and women. And about 30-40 Brazilians are on mission in Guinea Bissau”. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 09/04/2019)
