Boa Vista (Agenzia Fides) - "Life first of all" was the theme that this year characterized the "Grito de los Excluidos" initiative, which has been celebrated in Brazil for 24 years on September 7th, and coincides with National independence. The organizers, the Catholic Church and various movements of society have chosen as their motto "Inequality generates violence: stop privileges!".
Throughout the country there have been several events in which, starting from the general theme, the problems present in the national and local reality have been denounced. In the diocese of Roraima, where most of the Venezuelan immigrants are concentrated, the "cry" in defense of their rights resounded during the event that saw the participation of hundreds of people, including a good number of immigrants. Their presence was proof of the local Church's attempt to welcome those who come from afar and are left to themselves.
Mgr. Mario Antonio da Silva, Bishop of Roraima, told Fides that "the cry of the excluded is the cry of those who have life, have faith, have hope", insisting on the need to be united to overcome difficulties, "to indicate a horizon to be conquered, never alone, never without dreams, never without breathing justice, peace, joy, love and solidarity".
The night before the "Grito" in Boa Vista, capital of the state of Roraima, there was a double murder, a Venezuelan immigrant and a Brazilian, which created a climate of fear among the immigrants who sleep in the streets, including many women and children, who feared reprisals. Mgr. Da Silva, referring to the violence present in the local society, reiterated to Fides the need for new perspectives "on the realities that destroy the lives of many people, whether Brazilians, immigrants and refugees from Venezuela or many other countries that live with us".
"Independence cannot just be something that remains in the calendar of history, but something experiential, concrete in life, which generates prosperity, brotherhood for all, as Jesus teaches us, to have life and life in abundance", said Mgr. da Silva, who considered the "Grito" as "a moment of struggle for those who are threatened, who are in danger and need more solidarity". (LMM) (Agenzia Fides, 11/9/2018)