AMERICA/BRAZIL - Liturgical songs in Ticuna language

Monday, 11 June 2018


Alto Solimões (Agencia Fides) - The peoples of the Amazon preserve a great variety of indigenous languages, some of which are spoken by relatively large groups. One of these is Ticuna, spoken by the population that bears the same name, and lives in the region of the triple border between Brazil, Colombia and Peru.
In an attempt to make the inculturation of the liturgy a reality, an element that emerged from the Second Vatican Council, and give the Church an Amazonian and indigenous face, which is one of Pope Francis' wishes for the Synod of Bishops on Pan Amazonian, the parish of Belem do Solimões, in the diocese of Alto Solimões, organized a meeting in order to compose songs for the liturgy in the Ticuna language, with music played with local instruments used by the Ticuna people.
In fact, for several years some songs were sang, in Portuguese and in Spanish, translated into the local language.
The Bishop of the place, Msg. Adolfo Zon, speaking to Agenzia Fides highlighted the work of Friar Paolo Maria Braghini, the local parish priest, who, together with the parish team, "on answering the request of pastoral operators, called some members of the singing groups of some communities, thus bringing together 30 Ticunas, for almost a week, so as to compose new songs in the Ticuna language, and music with a Ticuna soul".
Capuchin Friar Braghini highlights that, given the great distances existing in many regions, it is not easy to carry out these activities, because going from one place to another of the Amazon always involves substantial expenses and this makes it difficult to find collaborators who can carry out the various pastoral activities.
The success of the meeting was such that a new meeting is expected in this year 2018, as Archbishop Zon points out to Fides: "there is great enthusiasm and the communities have committed themselves to composing new songs". According to the Bishop of Alto Solimões "it is an experience that can promote the inculturation of the liturgy, liturgical songs in the Ticuna language can contribute to the experience of the mystery of Christ in the culture of the Ticuna people". (LMM) (Agenzia Fides, 11/6/2018)
