ASIA/PAKISTAN - Bishop Travas to young people: "Be close to Jesus in the Eucharist"

Monday, 29 January 2018 prayer   youth   eucharist   local churches   christianity   religious minorities   spirituality  

Multan (Agenzia Fides) - "I encourage you all to remain in close contact with the Lord Eucharistic and to always be present at the Eucharistic Adoration. It is the best moment and place to experience the relationship with Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist. In silence you can share everything with the Lord Eucharistic, all the most intimate concerns and secrets. It is also the moment to listen to him": said Bishop Benny Travas, at the head of the diocese of Multan, to the young Catholics of the diocese, gathered for a three day spiritual retreat on the theme "Witnesses of Christ".
Mgr. Travas presides the Commission for the Liturgy in the Episcopal Conference of Pakistan, which takes care of all the events of formation and liturgy organized on the occasion of the special "Year of the Eucharist" that the Church in Pakistan lives. The Eucharistic Year started on 25 November in Karachi and will end on 25 November 2018, with a Mass in Lahore. The evangelical verse that characterizes it is: "I am the bread of life" (Jn 6:35)
Reached by Agenzia Fides, Bishop Travas declares: "The Church is dedicating herself to helping young people in their spiritual formation and to take root in the Church and in the love of Jesus Christ". The Bishop also informed those present on the next Synod of Bishops, which will be celebrated in the Vatican next October and will be dedicated to them and said: "The Church believes in the young and works to help them and facilitate them in spiritual growth, amid the challenges of modern times. I encourage them all to remain in contact with the ecclesial community that appreciates their good works and their talents, working with priests and catechists for their integral, human and Christian formation".
The days of reflection of the young people of Multan were marked by moments of prayer, reflection and silent meditation, group activities, confessions,
Eucharistic celebration and adoration.
Irfan Albert, one of the participants, told Fides: "I have been guiding a youth group in my area for the past three years, and during the retreat, I realized I need to renew my heart. Now I can serve the young with more zeal and dedication".
Maria Shamaun, 23, on sharing her thoughts with Fides, said: "It was an important experience for me: I deeply experienced the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and this helps me to grow in faith. I understood the importance of the Eucharist".
Fr. Imran Benjamin, director of the Youth Commission in Multan, told Fides: "This is a new beginning for the Catholic youth in Multan: we are focusing on the spiritual growth of our young people. Led by our Bishop, the Church has a keen interest in the formation of youth". (AG) (Agenzia Fides, 29/1/2018)
