AMERICA/MEXICO - War among the poor continues

Monday, 20 November 2017 poverty   politics   drug trade   violence   bishops   human rights  

Diocesis San Cristobal

San Cristobal (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, after the celebration of Sunday Mass during which the Universal Church celebrated the Day of the Poor, Archbishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, Mgr. Felipe Arismendi Esquivel, denounced the violence caused by the conflict due to the lack of border definition between the municipalities of Chenalhó y Chalchihuián. There were some clashes with the use of firearms, fortunately there have been no deaths, but only a person was injured and a house was burnt. Archbishop Arzmendi Esquivel, informed the note sent to Fides, reports that the same priests who worked in the area told him of efforts made to stop the clashes, unfortunately without success. The Archbishop stressed that he continues to insist with the Government Secretariat of the State to address this problem that has lasted for 40 years.
On Thursday, November 16, various organizations for the protection of peoples' rights in Chiapas met with the Special Envoy of the United Nations for Indigenous People's Rights Organization, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, who had come to listen to local delegations. Mgr. Arzmendi Esquivel, after the meeting, recalled that this situation should be resolved as soon as possible because it is becoming serious.
"We know it is not just a local problem", said the Archbishop speaking to the local press at the end of October. On that occasion he had denounced that clashes between the populations of these two municipalities had caused deaths, injuries, and the destruction of several homes. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 20/11/2017)
