Panama (Agenzia Fides) – To share work experience, encourage the incidence of women in different sectors of society, promote women's presence and rights at political, economic and social levels: this is the goal of the meeting held in recent days in the city of Panama among women representing the four pastoral areas of Latin America and the Caribbean (Bolivarian, Southern Cone, Camex and the Caribbean), engaged in social affairs. During the meeting titled "Women, food security, eradication of poverty and incidence", what was highlighted was the fact that in recent times, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have made important commitments regarding women's rights. They all ratified the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and 14 of them also ratified the optional Protocol.
But despite this, according to the latest United Nations report on "Women's progress in Latin America and the Caribbean 2017", consulted by Agenzia Fides, there is still structural inequality, for example in wages or unpaid work.
Unemployment among women in the region is 50% higher than the male rate and there is a 20% wage disparity. In addition, 90% of women with low income participate in work in informal and instable conditions. According to the report, discrimination, sexual harassment and violence continue to be a scourge for women. Violence against women - the UN denounces - is the most widespread abuse of human rights and "feminism is its extreme expression". Unfortunately, Latin America is the region where there are more homicides of this kind: 14 of the 25 countries in the world with higher rates of feminicide are found on this continent.
With the intention of addressing all these issues affecting women, the Latin American and Caribbean Caritas Secretariat (SELACC), together with the Department of Justice and Solidarity (DEJUSOL), examined the status of women and how they can participate in the relevant issues in the region (migration, food security, violence, health and political incidence) in order to find solutions and share experiences. In addition, a space was dedicated to discussing the goals of sustainable development, indicating them as an opportunity to begin eradicating these evils from society. As Caritas of Latin America reports to Agenzia Fides, the participants engaged to make the the rights that accompany each of the Goals become reality, based on ethics in public service and global asset management".
Speaking at the meeting "Women, food security, uprooting poverty and incidence" Cardinal José Luis Lacunza, Bishop of David, and Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa of Panama expressed the hope that the next World Youth Day, to be held in Panama in 2019, could include a special focus on women. (L.G) (Agenzia Fides, 13/11/2017)