Leticia (Agenzia Fides) - The third Meeting of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network "REPAM-Colombia" was opened in Leticia on June 19, yesterday. Until June 24 more than 100 people will deepen the reality of the Colombian Amazon and will define the most appropriate strategies for working together for the care of the Amazonian bioma. The Amazonian Bishops' Commission will also be present. The goal, according to the statement sent to Fides, is to strengthen the identity of REPAM-Colombia in the light of the encyclical Laudato Sì, as a path for reconciliation with the creation and protection of the Colombian Amazon. It also aims to strengthen ecclesial work in communion, to achieve a more effective action as a network and to agree on the implementation of the common action plan. At the opening of the works the reality of Mocoa was presented and a Mass was celebrated in the suffrage of the landslide victims that devastated the town of Mocoa at the end of March.
According to the work program, the reality of the territories and local churches in the three sub-regions of the Amazon, which include 12 ecclesiastical jurisdictions of the south, will be deepened. Among the invited speakers there will be Mgr. Joselito Carreño, Bishop of Puerto Inirida, and Cesar Baratto, theologian and head of the Franciscan family, professor at the Santo Tomas University. Armando Valbuena, consultant of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia ONIC (Wayu people) will present an analysis of the ecological situation of indigenous peoples. This space will end with the intervention of Antalia Ti Jachi Kulluedo, Uitoto leader, who will propose a reflection on the reconciliation between indigenous peoples and the Church.
As a conclusion of this meeting, we intend to draw up a concrete action plan that, like REPAM, can cope with the major challenges of Colombian realities in Amazonia. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 20/6/2017)