ASIA/JORDAN - Caritas distributes food parcels to Muslims during Ramadan

Monday, 12 June 2017 dialogue   caritas  

Caritas Jordan

Amman (Agenzia Fides) – Caritas in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan has organised the distribution of food parcels for the most needy Muslim families in the poorest parts of Naur district, western urban area of the city of Amman. The launching of the programme, organised jointly with the local Latin Catholic parish, was greeted with speeches and interventions on the part of Christian and Muslim representatives, including Jordanian priest Fr Rifat Bader, promoter of the Catholic Centre for Studies and Media. The speeches applauded fruitful cooperation between the different confessional and religious communities typical of Jordan –, amidst a Middle East torn by sectarian conflicts.
This year Caritas Jordan marks the 50th anniversary of its opening and activity in the Hashemite kingdom. Similar Caritas Jordan initiatives to distribute aid to needy Muslim families are planned for other cities in Jordan. (GV (Agenzia Fides 12/6/2017).
