Quito (Agenzia Fides) - A new "Guagua Center", a Child Development Community Center, was inaugurated on the occasion of the recent Child Day.
El Arbolito, is the name of the home that will welcome 150 vulnerable children between one to five years of age. "Our goal is to eradicate child labor and begging. When we give a coin to the little ones we see on the street, we are ruining their future", reads a note from the President of San José Patronage, sent to Fides. The old house has been transformed into a cozy place full of colors and games where the little ones can stay from morning till afternoon. There are 101 full-time care centers for 4,150 children across the Metropolitan District of Quito, and hopefully by 2019 there will be at least 200. Malnutrition is the main problem recorded in the Guagua Center. (AP) (Agenzia Fides, 6/6/2017)