Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – During a meeting held yesterday, May 11, the Episcopal Commission for the Service of Charity, Justice and Peace, chaired by Mgr. Guilherme Werlang, Bishop of Ipameri (Brazil), brought forward the project of a sustainable supply strategy for Catholic institutions in Brazil. The aim of the Commission's adviser is to educate religious institutions in knowing and enhancing agro-ecological production in Brazil. For this reason, the Commission has carried out a number of meetings with various institutions, including the Conference of Religious in Brazil (CRB) and the Catholic Schools Association.
The National Agroecology Coordination (ANA) has worked on the project of this initiative. The ANA is a convergence space between Brazilian civil society movements, networks and organizations engaged in concrete experiences to promote agro-ecology, strengthen family farming and build alternative sustainable rural development. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 12/05/2017)