Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - In Mexico, hundreds of thousands of girls are forced to marry with far older men than them. This is what emerges from the Investigaciò en Salud y Demografia (Insad) report, where it is estimated that of the 320,000 Mexican girls, between 12 and 17 years of age living with a man, about 70% live with a partner who is at least 11 years older. The study gathered data from a national census on households conducted in 2015, taking into account girls of different age who live with older partners. In Mexico, 10% of girls are forced to get married early, and according to NGOs Girls not brides the country is the eighth in the world with the highest rate of girl brides. According to Insad, 81% of married girls between 12 and 17 years of age are not legally recognized. (AP) (Agenzia Fides, 12/5/2017)