Barquisimeto (Agenzia Fides) - Father Jesús Martínez, is a priest of San Francisco de Asís parish, in the Archdiocese of Barquisimeto, where there is the "olla solidaria" (literally "solidarity pot"), namely the daily opening of a space, in the parish, where one cooks for people who suffer from hunger.
"The situation in our country is very critical, and as a Church we are called to help the needy, as Jesus teaches us in his Gospel", writes to Fides Father Martínez. "It is not an easy job, especially when it comes to having the food and the people who spend their time to this work of charity and mercy every day". "Now even other parishes have begun to imitate this initiative, because the situation is critical", emphasizes the priest.
According to the note sent, five large pots to feed 400 or sometimes 500 people are prepared in the parish of San Francisco de Asis every day: for the elderly, children and even entire families. The experience started last October, to put into practice what Pope Francis said for the Jubilee of Mercy. At first they were few, and there was only a pot, then the group grew and in January a space and a small kitchen with 2 large pots was equipped in the parish.
No photos are allowed in this environment, those who come to eat must behave well, sometimes food was even brought to prisoners and the sick in hospitals.
The population in Venezuela have been experiencing a very serious crisis for a long time (see Fides 07/03/2017), that is why Father Martinez concluded his letter with a heartfelt thank you to all those who, despite the crisis, express solidarity and contribute with something to "fill in" the solidarity pots every day. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 14/03/2017)