Washington (Agenzia Fides) - "This National Migration Week is an opportunity to embrace the important work of continuing to secure the border, to welcome the stranger and serve the most vulnerable - all components of a humane immigration policy", reads the beginning of the text published by the US Catholic Bishops Conference (USCCB) on the occasion of Migration Week, which is celebrated by the US Catholic Church from 8 to 14 January.
" Migration - the Bishops write - is more than anything, an act of great hope. Our brothers and sisters are fleeing war, persecution and poverty, risking everything for an opportunity to live in peace in a new country... As Catholics in the United States, most of us can find stories in our own families of parents, grandparents or great-grandparents leaving the old country for the promise of America".
On November 15, 2016, seven days after Trump’s election, the Catholic Bishops had sent Trump a letter to congratulate him on the victory but also to express the wish to begin his term "recognizing" the contribution of immigrants to the nation, and not to separate families with his mass expulsion plan announced during the election campaign (see Fides 15/11/2016).
In conclusion the USCCB emphasizes that the Bishops and religious must defend undocumented families and expresses support for the "brothers and sisters" who arrive in the country to escape persecution and to work hard: "We are with you" reiterates the text. In immigrant communities there is fear of the restrictive policies announced by the new President (see Fides, 13/12/2016). (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 10/01/2017)