AMERICA/BRAZIL - Amazon Ecclesial Convention: situation and prospects of missionary work

Wednesday, 16 November 2016 evangelization   missionary animation   indigenous  

Belem (Agenzia Fides) – The Amazon Ecclesial Convention, being held from 14 to 16 November in the city of Belem aims at discussing the political, social, economic, cultural and religious situation of the region and the contribution of the Catholic Church for the promotion and defense of life of the inhabitants and the biodiversity of the Amazon. The meeting, in practice will make a general analysis of how it is currently developing missionary work in the region, and will listen to the testimony of Bishops and, from there, will outline new perspectives to offer in response to new challenges.
The missionary work of the Catholic Church in the Amazon began about 400 years ago, since the founding of the city of Belem. "The Church has always been present in the history of the Amazon to accompany the populations in history and contribute to enlighten the road in this history", said Card. Hummes, who attended the meeting as Chairman of the Special Episcopal Commission for the Amazon of the Brazilian Church.
The first meeting took place in Manaus (AM) in 2013 (see Fides 29/10/2013) and at the end of the meeting a letter of commitment was drawn up and published. Emeritus Bishop of Xingu (Brazil) and President of the Brazilian Committee of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), His Exc. Mgr. Erwin Kräutler, explains that there is still much to do in the region. "The document was a statement, of advice for all dioceses and prelatures for the implementation and strengthening of the Church in the Amazon. What matters is that Churches become aware that we must all walk in the same direction, and to live the commitment for the Amazon", said Mgr. Erwin.
(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 16/11/2016)
