Guayaquivil (Agenzia Fides) - The network of Dispensary Doctors of the Archdiocese of Guayaquivil (REDIMA) has been engaged since 2004 in the fight against HIV and use the Josemaria Diagnostic Center, a reference point for the 26 dispensaries of RED that deal with assistance, prevention and support regarding HIV-positive patients. According to information sent to Fides, the Center assists an average of 150 people every month. There is an infectologist and, currently, 1,184 medical records are registered. Patients pay a symbolic fee of $ 1 for the visits and medications. An average of 600 rapid tests are carried out per month to young, pregnant women and vulnerable groups of people.
Sixty HIV patients came together and every month they meet to talk about nutrition, self-esteem, motivation and work. Another group, who receive training through workshops that allow them to have an income for health care needs, joined them. Thanks to Caritas Ecuador REDIMA is engaged in a micro-business project with the aim of improving the quality of life of people living with HIV, strengthening entrepreneurship, developing the skills and abilities that allow to protect livelihoods. Currently, the Archdiocese has promoted a new Humanitarian Assistance Service (Hospice) which aims to welcome and assist orphans and people living with HIV. According to statistics, there are about 22,000 people infected in Ecuador, of these 70% in the Province of Guayaquil. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 14/10/2016