Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - The fifth Catholic Education Congress on the theme: "Education, Family and Mercy" concluded in Santiago. An important aspect of this event was the variety of conferences that were held. A conference that aroused great interest was that of Father Fernando Montes S.J. on the theme "Educating in times of change, how to train in the art of discernment".
On the final day of the work, which took place on 6 and 7 October, the Chairman of the Education Commission of the Episcopal Conference, His Exc. Mgr. Héctor Vargas, Bishop of the Diocese of Temuco, presented the educational challenges for the family of today. In his speech, the Bishop said: "as Christian educators, we want to reflect today on an essential characteristic of the family, its vocational nature to educate children to be responsible towards themselves and others".
This natural vocation of the family has been shattered because "there is a rift between family and society, between family and school; even the educational pact today is shattered, so the educational alliance of society with the family is in crisis because it has undermined mutual trust".
The President of the Education Commission of the Chilean Senate was among the prominent participants. Mgr. Vargas concluded by recalling that Catholic institutions "are called to support the educational mission of the family, without forgetting that parents cannot completely delegate the moral education of their children". (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 10/10/2016)
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