Managua (Agenzia Fides) – Among the first reactions to the statement from the Bishops' Conference, calling for transparent elections and the presence of international observers (see Fides 15/06/2016), Sandinista judge Francisco Rosales, President of the Supreme Court of Appeal (CSJ), has argued that the position of the Catholic Church on the latest developments is clearly political: "This problem of credibility to which they refer (the bishops) is an imaginary problem, and a problem that demonstrates a political bias and the fact that they themselves are politicians".
In particular, the judge criticized the Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, His Exc. Mgr. Silvio Jose Baez, for his public statements on the situation in the country (see Fides 14/06/2016). "What does Silvio Báez do when he makes certain statements? He does political activity", said Rosales to the press, at the meeting in which he made public the negative response to the appeal of the
Independent Liberal Party (PLI), one of the opposition forces to President Ortega, against the decision to remove Eduardo Montealegre, leader of the Liberal Party, from future consultations.
According to data from the local press, Francisco Rosales Arguello signed judgment 504 of 19 October 2009, which allowed the re-election of Daniel Ortega, declaring Article 147 of the Constitution of Nicaragua unconstitutional, which instead prohibited it. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 16/06/2016)