Santiago Sarmiento
Riohacha (Agenzia Fides) - Guajira is the Colombian department with the highest index of poverty. There is no water and food and there are many unmet basic needs. Children are those who suffer most, who unfortunately die every day because of malnutrition. According to estimates by the National Department of Planning, sent to Fides, 44.6% of the population, mainly indigenous, are deprived of basic needs. 55.8% live in poverty and 25.7% in extreme poverty, far above the national standard. Guajira is also the department with the lowest rate of primary education in the Caribbean region, with only 19.95%, the same as for higher education, with 16.4%. 11.7% of the inhabitants, mostly children suffer from chronic malnutrition. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 16/06/2016)