Manila (Agenzia Fides) – The importance of awareness at a national level and to promote universal respect for nature, in the spirit of the encyclical "Laudato Sì" continue: is the aim of the Catholic Movement for global climate (GCCM) which from 12 to 19 June has launched an awareness-raising week, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the publication of the encyclical.
As Fides learns, the movement in the Philippines has encouraged and involved parishes, schools and church groups in undertaking several kinds of activities, connected with Laudato Si, such as conferences, meetings, public events, liturgies, Masses.
As part of the thousands of events organized in various countries in the world (and visible on website), on June 18 an interfaith Symposium will be held in the Philippines which will include some updates on the recent forum in Paris,.
"To pollute or destroy the environment is the result of a lack of respect towards creation, people, environment that is God's gift", remarked the Cardinal of Manila, Luis Antonio Tagle, talking in recent days to the regional Conference of "Caritas Asia" taking place in Bangkok, which ends on June 10. The environmental problems the world is facing today "are caused by the fact that one does not understand that the earth is not ours", he said.
During the Caritas Asia conference ample space for reflection and deepening of "Laudato Sì" was given, a reference text to address environmental issues from a faith point of view. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 09/06/2016)