Takamatsu (Agenzia Fides) - "We ask the help for children from Japan who want to participate in the next World Youth Day to be held in Krakow in late July. It is a vocational pilgrimage, during which every young person will be able to reflect on the call of the Lord. Catechesis, liturgy, mission, living together with other children, will help the children to have dialogue with the Lord": This is what is said in a letter sent to Fides by Italian missionary Fr. Antonello Iapicca, who works in the diocese of Takamatsu.
The young Japanese "will find out if they are called to priesthood, religious, monastic life or marriage. It will be for all of them a decisive step", the letter continues.
Young people, explains Fr. Iapicca, "were born and are growing up in large families, are students and, although they work hard to raise the funds necessary for the pilgrimage, they are not able to pay the entire fee. Families cannot do more than what they are doing".
The letter concludes: "For a young person this money is well spent. Those who meet a Christian, at school, at work, meets Christ, and it is always an encounter that leads to hope and salvation. How many marriages will be saved, how many abortions avoided, how many difficult situations will be addressed in a different way due to the presence and witness of these children. And much of this passes through World Youth Day in Krakow". The demand is mainly geared to cover the cost of the airfare, which in summer is very expensive. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 02/06/2016)