Caritas Pakistan
Rawalpindi (Agenzia Fides) - "The floods have mainly affected the extreme North of the country, the territory of Gilgit-Baltistan, a very difficult area to reach due to the conformation of the territory. Only the army is able to go to those areas, often only by helicopter, and is taking steps to bring aid to the affected populations. What we know is that there are a few dozen Christians in that area": This is what Victor Shad told Fides, a lay Catholic and Director of Caritas Islamabad- Rawalpindi.
According to official figures released by the government, the floods that occurred in the first days of April have caused 66 deaths, 61 have been wounded and 900 houses have been totally or partially destroyed.
The rains have been abundant in the North of the country, incessant for several days, making numerous rivers overflow. The raging waters swept away entire villages and fields, destroying homes and crops and putting the population at risk. Aid is still in progress, made even more difficult by the difficult terrain and the collapse of several bridges and roads.
The country is prone to such events especially in autumn and spring, with the arrival of monsoons. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 08/04/2016)