Eugene Phoen
Singapore (Agenzia Fides) – People in Asian countries are increasingly aware of the necessity of helping minors be aware of daily responsibilities . At school, besides learning to read and write, and study history, protection of the environment and mathematics, children receive an education to values in addition to education in the respective families . Singapore has adopted the message and local schools organise initiatives to help children understand the value and importance of being responsible. An example is that children are taught to tidy and clean the classroom before leaving . According to a rota list arranged by the teachers the children also clean school corridors, recreation areas and canteens. Only toilet facilities are the responsibility of hired cleaners. As in other Asian countries, children in Japan are responsible for classrooms and other parts of the school, in keeping with what is called the o-soji tradition. (AP) (29/2/2016 Agenzia Fides)