AFRICA/EGYPT - Elections: the high turnout of Christians

Monday, 19 October 2015 politics  

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - Representatives of institutions and religious communities launched several appeals to urge people not to boycott the polls and participate in parliamentary elections. Among the appeals there is also that of Usama al-Abd, President of the Islamic University of Al Azhar, the highest academic institution and theological world of Sunni Islam. Numerous calls to participate in the vote also came from Bishops and representatives of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Among the first to vote, on Sunday morning, October 18, were a number of senior members of the Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church, such as Elder Bishop Pachomius, who cast his vote in the governorate of Behira,
The intention of Bishops - explain Coptic sources consulted by Agenzia Fides - was also to offer the faithful Copts and all citizens an example of attention and concern for the problems that the Egyptian civil society is facing in this difficult historical transition. According to the monitoring carried out by the Maspero youth Union - group of young activists expression of the Orthodox Coptic community - so far the percentage of Copts who voted is higher than those recorded in other religious and social groups: on the first day of voting, many Egyptian Christians went to the polls after attending Sunday Mass.
The first round of voting, which ends today, involved 14 provinces for a total of 27 million eligible voters. The second round - which will involve other 14 provinces - will take place on 22 and 23 November. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 19/10/2015)
