AFRICA/SOUTH AFRICA - “Guaranteed access to studies for everyone” say Bishops

Friday, 23 October 2015 bishops  

Johannesburg (Agenzia Fides) - Opportunities to study must be offered to all, irrespective of the economic situation of a young person who wants to study. This appeal comes from South Africa, where for some days students have protested against increased education fees. A statement issued by the Department of Social Action (DSA) of Southern Africa Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC, comprising Bishops of South Africa as well as those in Botswana and Swaziland) affirms “no academically worthy young South African should be denied the opportunity to study at higher education level because of their financial situation, or that of their family.”.
“This is critical – the report sent to Fides continues - both as a matter of justice to redress the consequences of apartheid, but also to build a globally competitive national skills base to enable economic and human development in South Africa”.
The Bishops recall that SACBC “has granted bursaries and loans to hundreds of rural young people from low income families enabling them to enter universities all over South Africa” through a Rural Education Access Programme (REAP)
“DSA recognises that South Africa’s current fiscal limitations make completely fee free education impossible” but also believes that “if the state offers a young person the chance of gaining a degree that will exponentially increase their earning potential, then at such point as the graduate is earning a substantial income, it is reasonable to expect that they make affordable repayments to the state so that those who follow them can also benefit.”
For this reason DSA is in favour of maintaining the current scheme which provides for student loans which are in large part converted to bursaries upon successful completion of courses, leaving students with partial debt upon graduation. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/10/2015)
