AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - Fighting in Bangui, after the rejection of the nomination of Bozizé, has reduced

Wednesday, 9 December 2015 dialogue   area crisis  

Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "The atmosphere that Pope Francis left is reducing many reactions, which until recently would have been violent and are now calmer. Unfortunately, some news media continue to inflate tensions like that of yesterday", missionary sources from Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic told Agenzia Fides, where high hopes were kindled with the visit of Pope Francis in late November. Yesterday, December 8, the rejection by the Constitutional Court regarding the candidacy of former President François Bozizé in the upcoming presidential election on December 27 caused new tensions and clashes.
"Actually, we who live on the opposite side of the neighborhoods affected by the fighting, have not noticed anything", sources told Fides. "This morning the center of the capital was calm and a spokesman of Bozize’s party called his supporters for calm. However, he added that he could not rule out the possibility of new clashes on election day. It was not a threat, but a statement of fact".
"The coming of the Pope has given confidence to the people and this has allowed the resumption of economic activities. Let us have no illusions, however, because the serious problems in Central Africa remain, but at least we can have a look into the future", conclude Fides sources. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 09/12/2015)
