ASIA/ISRAEL - The Work of St. James celebrates the sixtieth anniversary of its founding

Tuesday, 29 September 2015 local churches  

Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) – In Israel meetings of reflection and liturgical celebrations planned for the sixty years of the founding of the Work of St. James, born in 1954 following the creation of the State of Israel, for the pastoral care of Christians, continue. On Saturday, September 26, 2015 - refer official sources of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem - followers of different kehillot (parish communities) in Israel came together at the shrine of Our Lady of the Ark of the Covenant, on the high ground of Abu Gosh, to celebrate a thanksgiving Mass. During the liturgical celebration, animated with songs in Hebrew, the Apostolic Nuncio in Israel and Apostolic Delegate in Jerusalem and Palestine, Archbishop Mgr. Giuseppe Lazzarotto, during his homily paid tribute to what he called a «strong community», capable of facing the challenges that lie ahead and rooted in the Church of the Holy Land. The Nuncio also invited the kehillot to be a bridge between Jews and Christians, and recalled the appeal of the "disciples of Christ in Hebrew and Arabic to demonstrate that justice, peace and equality are possible in our country".
In 1954, thanks also to the Work of St. James, the Catholics living in Jewish environment (the Christian members of Jewish families, "Righteous Among the Nations ...") began to come together to celebrate Mass together. Currently the kehillot are also a place of education for Christian children from families of immigrants from Asia, Africa or South America who follow catechism in Hebrew and participate in various activities organized in the community. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 29/09/2015)
