AFRICA/EGYPT - Coptic Organizations call on President al-Sisi to reopen the investigation into the massacre of Maspero

Friday, 9 October 2015 sectaniarism  

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) – After four years of the so-called massacre of Maspero, the Copts of Egypt Coalition - independent organization of the Coptic Orthodox Church, but animated by militant lay Copts - has asked President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the Egyptian Minister of Justice Ahmed al-Zind to reopen the investigation regarding this tragic event, in which 27 Christian Copts were killed by ferocious reprisals unleashed by military units against a protest.
On October 9, 2011, the Egyptian military forces attacked the Coptic demonstrators protesting near the Maspero building, the headquarters of the State TV and radio. The protest was caused by the destruction of a church, which took place in Upper Egypt by extremist Salafists and with the coverage of local politicians. The massacre of the Copts – in which at least three hundred protesters were wounded - was also provoked by unidentified armed troops. At that time, the power in the Country was in the hands of the army, after the forced resignation of President Hosni Mubarak and before the election that brought the Muslim Brotherhood of Mohamed Morsi to the government.
The leader of the Copts of Egypt Coalition confirmed the intention not to take the case before international courts and bodies, but they insisted on the urgency to reopen investigations, winning the wall of silence and making the information on the instigators and perpetrators public, of what is presented in effect as a massacre of State. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 09/10/2015)
