ASIA/HOLY LAND - Caritas Jerusalem: pilgrimages cancelled due to the blocks in the neighborhoods of the Holy City

Friday, 16 October 2015 local churches  

Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) - All the security measures which have taken place by the Israeli authorities in Jerusalem - especially those inside the Old City - are causing the cancellation of pilgrimages, "which means the collapse of the whole tourism sector especially in Bethlehem, for most people depend on this sector to secure their livelihoods". This is the side effect of police blocks put in place by the Israeli government especially in East Jerusalem, after the new escalation of violence in the Holy Land has already caused the death of at least 39 people. Caritas Jerusalem also launches the alarm regarding the impact of security measures on pilgrimages in a statement released today and signed by the President General, Father Raed Abusahaliah.
The cancellation of permits to enter Jerusalem or Israel – denounces Caritas Jerusalem - "will lead to increased unemployment and economic hardships for tens of thousands of the families of the workers who completely rely on the income that they make". "We do not deny that the situation is not easy", said the statement sent to Agenzia Fides, "but we call upon all our Christian brothers and sisters to come and not to be fearful: don’t leave us isolated". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 16/10/2015)
