ASIA/LEBANON - The Maronite diocese of Zahlé supports the breast cancer awareness campaign

Wednesday, 21 October 2015 healthcare  

Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - On the occasion of the month of the breast cancer awareness campaign, Maronite Bishop of Zahle, Mgr. Joseph Mouawad, celebrated a Mass in the church of Our Lady of Zahle and Bekaa, during which the faithful prayed for the healing of women with this form of cancer. In addition to the Mass - Lebanese media reports - the Committee of women of the same parish also sponsored a conference - held by medical oncologists and experts - during which they spoke about early diagnosis and new surgical techniques - less invasive - used in the fight against this illness. At the end of the conference, the seat of the bishopric was illuminated in pink, the color that characterizes all local initiatives and international awareness involved in the fight against breast cancer. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 21/10/2015)
