ASIA/LEBANON - Leading members of Maronite Foundation stress necessity of recovery of nationality law for expatriate Lebanese

Thursday, 22 October 2015 local churches  

Beirut (Agenzia Fides) – The law on the recovery of nationality for Lebanese expatriates is “necessary to preserve balance in Lebanon”, also from a religious point of view. This was affirmed by former MP Michel Eddé, now President of the Maronite Foundation in the World, established in 2007 with a decree issued by the Maronite Patriarch, a foundation which has among its statuary aims to help Maronites all over the world to recover their Lebanese citizenship. In a television interview, widely reported by the Lebanese press, Eddé supplied eloquent data revealing that since 1994 Lebanese “naturalisation” has been obtained by more than 100,000 Sunni, 40,000 Shiite and less than 5,000 Maronites. In this scenario, the former MP fully backed a proposal expressed recently by the President of the Lebanese Parliament, Shiite Nabih Berri, who intends to question parliament during the next session regarding as absurd the idea of dismissing the “human, economic and civil capital” represented by Maronites of the Lebanese diaspora spread all over the world.
During the same television interview, the president of the Maronite Foundation also voiced the hope that involvement of Russia in the conflict in Syria might help stabilise the country and therefore as a result, break the political deadlock which is undermining the life of society in the land of Cedars. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 22/10/2015).
