AFRICA/EGYPT -Election: good results for Coptic candidates, Salafi party crash

Thursday, 22 October 2015 politics  

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) – News circulating on the results of a first round of political elections in Egypt held 18 and 19 October in 14 provinces of Upper Egypt (see Fides 19/10/2015), speak of good results for Coptic candidates present in various electoral lists, except those who participated on lists of Salafi al Nour. The Islamist group reportedly suffered total defeat failing to win even one seat. Defeat which, according to the Egyptian media, was warmly welcomed by ambits of the Muslim Brothers, the other Islamist political organisation excluded from the vote.
The results of Christian candidates – say Coptic sources consulted by Fides - were particularly brilliant in the Minya territory. According to the monitoring carried out by the Maspero youth Union - group of young activists expression of the Orthodox Coptic community - the percentage of Copts who voted was higher than those recorded in other religious and social groups. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 22/10/2015).
