ASIA/LEBANON - The Maronite Bishops: no to the division of Syria

Friday, 6 November 2015 geopolitics  

Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The prospect of a division of Syria on a sectarian basis worries the Maronite Bishops, who propose to look to the institutional model of Lebanon to try to neutralize the centrifugal sectarian forces that fuel the Syrian conflict, risking to tear the Country apart. These are the interpretations to understand the Syrian crisis which emerged in the assembly of Maronite Bishops, gathered yesterday at the headquarters of patriarchal seat in Bkerké, for their regular meeting under the presidency of Patriarch Boutros Bechara Rai.
"The rumors about the possibility of a new map of Syria", reads the final communiqué of the meeting, sent to Agenzia Fides "are not positive for the future of peace in the region. The proposed solution is not good". On their behalf, the Bishops suggest that negotiators committed to finding a solution to the Syrian conflict should take into account the historical experience of coexistence lived in Lebanon, which with all its limitations, its crises and its contradictions, has allowed all religious communities to be involved in the management of public affairs. Only the search for institutional systems capable of ensuring balance between the different ethnic and religious groups - say the Maronite Bishops - can save the entire region from the exhausting prospect of permanent and generalized conflict.
In their statement, the Lebanese Bishops also stress their full support to the army and all the Lebanese security forces. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 06/11/2015)
