ASIA/SYRIA - Assyrian associations denounce the violence and abuse of Kurdish forces

Wednesday, 11 November 2015 area crisis  

Hassaké (Agenzia Fides) - Six associations operating within the Assyrian community in diaspora scattered in the West launched an appeal to denounce violence and systematic human rights violations committed against the civilian population by the armed Kurdish forces operating in the north-east Syrian region of Jazira. The areas of the region, where the Kurdish Democratic Party (YPG) has in fact established a kind of independent mini-state, see the increase of episodes of abuse perpetrated even against the local Assyrian Christian communities: which go from the illegal seizure of personal property and real estate – says the statement of the Assyrian associations, consulted by Agenzia Fides – to forced enlistment, threats and targeted killings, like the one against the Christian David Jindo last April, a member of the self-defense groups operating in the area of the Khabur River. The document of complaint is signed by the Assyrian Federations operating in Germany, the US, Belgium, United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia.
In recent weeks (see Fides 23/10/2015), the Heads of Churches and Christian organizations and institutions in the Syrian province of northeastern Hassaké had already denounced the project of "conservation and management" of the properties of emigrants, supported by dominant political and local administrative forces. The statement signed by the Bishops and the Heads of the local Christian communities - including Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo, who heads the Syrian Catholic archdiocese of Hassaké-Nisibi - but also by movements and organizations operating in civil society, had denounced the self-proclaimed right of local authorities to confiscate and manage assets and property of people who left their homes and were forced to emigrate because of the ongoing conflict in Syria as "contrary to human rights". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 11/11/2015)
