ASIA/IRAQ - Large participation in the protest against the law on the Islamization of minors

Wednesday, 11 November 2015 sectaniarism  

Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - The protest against the law on the Islamization of minors, held yesterday, Tuesday, November 10, in Baghdad at the Chaldean Church of Saint George, saw the massive participation of Christians and members of other Iraqi religious non-Muslim communities. The protest was convened by Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael I to protest against the law.
Many of the protesters - as documented by the site - exhibited banners where the law was defined as a serious destabilizing factor in the coexistence of the different components of the Iraqi society. The protest was also attended by several members of the Iraqi Parliament. During the demonstration, the Chaldean Patriarch reiterated the intention to appeal to international courts that protect human rights – starting from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights - if the Iraqi Parliament does not amend the law, which also appears in contrast with the articles of the Iraqi constitution that affirms the full equality of all citizens before the law.
On October 27 (see Fides 28/10/2015), Parliament in Iraq rejected the proposal - made by Christian representatives, but supported by parliamentarians belonging to different alliances - to amend the law according to which a child is automatically registered as a Muslim, even if only one parent converts to Islam. The proposal asked to add a sentence in the section of law regarding minors, in order to establish that children remain in the original religion of belonging until they reach eighteen years of age, and then freely choose the religion they want. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 11/11/2015)
