AFRICA/EGYPT - The Coptic Church: no to unauthorized collection of money for the flooded monasteries

Thursday, 12 November 2015 local churches  

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - The Coptic Orthodox Church, with a statement sent to the Egyptian media through its official channels, has warned individuals and groups not to announce the collection of money for and on behalf of the historical monasteries in the area of Wadi al-Natrun, badly damaged by floods in recent weeks. The statement of the Coptic Church also indicates the only account number opened at a bank in Egypt and officially authorized by the church to collect donations for the restoration of the flooded monasteries.
The floods caused by heavy rains in early November that struck the region of Wadi al-Natrun caused heavy damage in the four historic Coptic monasteries of Anba Bishoy, Al Suryan, Al Baramos and St. Macarius the Great, whose first settlements date back to the fourth century after Christ. Immediately after (see Fides 07/11/2015), Coptic organizations mainly active in the Egyptian diaspora abroad, had launched fundraisers, stating that the figures would be used for the restoration of the damaged monasteries. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 12/11/2015)
