ASIA/LEBANON - No quorum for the election of the president. Maronite Patriarch: politicians play with the destiny of the Country

Thursday, 17 December 2015 politics  

Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The Lebanese parliament failed yesterday for the 33rd consecutive time to convene and elect a new president due to a lack of the constitutionally required quorum. The presidential office, that the institutional system reserves to a Christian Maronite, has been vacant since 25 May 2014. The President of the Parliamentary Assembly, the Shiite Nabih Berri, postponed the polls until Jan. 7, in the hope that by then resistance and vetoes emerging around the candidacy of Suleiman Franjie, leader of the political Marada movement will attenuate.
The name of Franjieh enjoys the approval of the Sunni Party, "Future", considered anti-Syrian and led by Saad Hariri, despite the fact that the candidate is known for his friendship with Syrian President Bashar el-Assad. Last weekend, Franjieh also traveled to Syria to talk with the Syrian leader. In the complicated game of political alliances, and national and regional conflicts, so far there have been no signs of explicit consent to the new candidature by the Parties of the "March 8" bloc - the Shiite Hezbollah party and the Free Patriotic Movement. Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rai yesterday said that "No one has the right to make fun of the fate of the country and to paralyze everything", and that "it is the duty of everyone to respect the Constitution and conform to it". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2015)
