AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Mgr. Castro Quiroga on the signing of the penultimate agreement: "prelude to a final peace agreement"

Thursday, 17 December 2015 area crisis   local churches   armed groups   geopolitics  

Havana (Agenzia Fides) - On 15 December, the Colombian government and FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) signed the principles that discipline the fifth point on the agenda of the peace negotiations being held in Cuba. His Exc. Mgr. Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga, Archbishop of Tunja and President of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, stressed that this act is the prelude to a final peace agreement, this is why it is important that the whole Country understands the basics.
That regarding the victims was one of the most problematic points of the whole negotiation. "In a consistent manner with our desire to put the issue of the victims at the heart of the agreement, as stated in the joint declaration made public in Havana, Cuba, which hosts the negotiations, the Colombian government and FARC agreed to be an integral system of truth, justice and reparation", said the Archbishop.
Mgr. Castro Quiroga insisted on the need to understand the differences between transitional justice and criminal justice: "One cannot confuse the two".
As for the agreement, divided into 63 pages, as informs the note sent to Fides by the Colombian Episcopal Conference, the Archbishop stressed the need for mutual cooperation, so that everything that has been signed is translated into a simple language, so it is clear to all Colombians. In this way "people are encouraged further to support the peace process".
The peace process is now entering the final phase, with the aim of reaching an agreement even on the last point of the agenda, that of the end of the conflict, which will determine the conditions of the ceasefire. President Santos has made a proposal to conclude the dialogue for next March. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2015)
