ASIA/PAKISTAN - Christians and Muslims united in the fight against terrorism: the path is education

Thursday, 17 December 2015 terrorism   education   religious minorities   religious freedom  

Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - Christians and Muslims are united in the fight against terrorism and urge the Government of Pakistan to implement the National Action Plan against extremist and terrorist groups: is what civil society organizations, activists and religious leaders asked for during a prayer vigil held a few days ago in Faisalabad.
The meeting, organized by the Peace and Human Development Foundation, in collaboration with the Association of Women for Awareness and Motivation (Awam) and other NGOs, suggested a recipe and a path to follow: "Defeat extremism and terrorism with education".
The participants made a commitment to build peace and justice in society. The Director of the Peace and Human Development Foundation, Suneel Malik said in a statement sent to Fides: "We urgently need a decisive action toward the proscribed organizations, a reform of religious seminaries and of the criminal justice system.
Moreover, it is necessary to bring together all intelligence agencies under the National Counterterrorism Authority. Nazia Sardar, director of Awam, added: "We must address the root causes and the various facets of hate, starting from education, involving civil society. This is the best antidote to combat extremism, inequality and structural discrimination".
Those present agreed on the urgency to develop a strategic plan of action to promote religious tolerance and pluralism, and to introduce a new legislation to defeat sectarianism. This will only be possible starting from education: Pakistan 7.3 million primary age children do not attend school, in violation of the Constitution of Pakistan. (SM-PA) (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2015)
