ASIA/HOLY LAND - Bethlehem church bells will chime for peace but Christmas this year will have less events

Wednesday, 2 December 2015 local churches  


Bethlehem (Agenzia Fides) – Next Saturday, 5 December at 7.30 pm local time, the bells of churches in Bethlehem will chime for peace and they call on churches all over the world to do the same. The announcement was made by the official communications office of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. It was also announced that the authorities of the Palestinian town where Jesus was born have decided in view of the general heightened atmosphere of tension in the Holy Land at present, to reduce some events planned for Christmas.
In detail cancellations include a traditional supper which follows the lighting up of the Christmas Tree, several previously planned concerts. Moreover Christmas decorations will be simpler this year. These decisions were taken by the municipal authorities as a mark of respect for the Palestinians of Bethlehem killed in clashes with the Israeli army. “Bethlehem is still the town of peace” said Mayor Vera Baboun, who added “and as Christmas draws near we must pray with even more faith for the gift of peace”. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 2/12/2015)
