AFRICA/KENYA - The Bishop of Maralal: "May Pope Francis' message of reconciliation help us to overcome tribal violence"

Tuesday, 24 November 2015 evangelization   reconciliation  

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - "We are waiting for the message that the Pope will give us, especially on peace and reconciliation", said His Exc. Mgr. Virgilio Pante, Bishop of Maralal in northern Kenya in an interview with Waumini communications, the Country where Pope Francis will start his visit to Africa on November 25. "Here we are shepherds and sometimes we fight for cattle rustling. The message that the Pope will bring regarding dialogue and reconciliation will help to improve relations among us", said Mgr. Pante.
In 2006 Maralal was the scene of serious clashes among different tribes: after a series of murders, two rival ethnic groups had entered into a spiral of revenge and retaliation. Women and children had fled their villages to seek refuge in Catholic missions, while the men had sought shelter in the bush ready to carry out raids against opponents (see Fides 28/04/2006).
"Equally important is Pope Francis' message on the respect for nature. Here we live in the middle of a large natural national reserve where we have to share the natural resources. In his beautiful Encyclical Letter 'Laudato Sì' the Holy Father exhorts us to take care of creation. We hope the Pope will say something on this subject to reconcile with nature, with animals, with water, and with the different tribes. We therefore hope that these clashes may end", concluded the Bishop of Maralal. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 24/11/2015)
