AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - The video message from Pope Francis brought to the Muslims by the Archbishop of Bangui

Monday, 23 November 2015 dialogue   area crisis  

Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "We are going together with reporters to Km5 to present the Holy Father's video message on his journey in our Country", says to Agenzia Fides His Exc. Mgr. Dieudonné Nzapalainga Archbishop of Bangui and President of the Episcopal Conference of Central African Republic, a Country that is part of the visit that Pope Francis will carry out this week in Africa.
Km5 is the district capital of Central Africa, where there are tensions and incidents linked to the political situation that the Country has been experiencing since 2012. "We will have a meeting to present the Pope's message with my friends of the religious platform for peace, formed by the Archbishop of Bangui, the President of the Central Islamic Council, Imam Oumar Kobine Layama and by the President of the Evangelical Alliance, Pastor Nicolas Guérékoyaméné-Gbangou.
Together we continue to invite our faithful to nurture unity, cohesion and offer forgiveness to our brothers and sisters", said Mgr. Nzapalainga that together with the other members of the interreligious peace platform has always said how religion has been exploited for political reasons. In his message, Pope Francis said: "The purpose of my visit is first of all to bring you, in the name of Jesus, the comfort of consolation and hope. I hope with all my heart that my visit will contribute, in one way or another, to relieve your wounds and to promote conditions for a more tranquil future for Central Africa and all its inhabitants". Addressing the faithful "of all religions and ethnic groups" in the Country, the Pope continues: "I want to support interreligious dialogue to promote peaceful coexistence in your Country: I know this is possible, because we are all brothers".
"The Pope's message is clear," says to Fides Mgr. Nzapalainga. "It is a message of peace that regards all religions, ethnic groups and tribes. We are grateful to the Holy Father for his visit to the Central African people, made up of Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and animists. We are all ready to welcome Pope Francis so that he can bring hope and consolation", says the Archbishop of Bangui. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/11/2015)
